In One Deadly Sweep

You may have heard of the popular war/strategy game named "Mount & Blade: Warband". Well, I was a huge fan of that game. In fact, I was considered a god on that game. It was the only game, where I had the enjoyment of being feared and revered by my enemies, as I struck them down with my blade; whilst my 300 Swadian Knights turned the battlefield into a wasteland, scattered with the bodies of those who opposed me. My love for the game increased each time I played it.
However, little did I know, that game would also become my worst nightmare.
It all started last Saturday, after I came home from school. I had a bad day, and decided to enlighten myself by playing my favourite game. So, I sat down at my desk, booted up the computer and clicked the .exe and hit "Play Mount&Blade".
After playing 3 hours straight into the game, I decided to head to the town I recently conquered from the Vaegirs named 'Reyvadin'. I glanced at the in-game time....Midnight. I felt like testing out my strength, so I entered the arena. This was when strange things started to occur. I was confused, the arena is NEVER open during night. I shrugged it off and decided it was just a bug. As I approached the Arena Master, I heard a bone-chilling scream....My heart skipped a beat, as usually I was supposed to hear the cheering of the audience. But....after the scream died there was nothing but silence. I looked at the Arena Master and engaged a conversation with him. But what I saw, sparked my curiosity...
The usual dialogue was replaced with a bunch of symbols and spaces reading " %&$£$*& &% £!%^ %£!$^ ". I was completely puzzled upon reading this, and so I just hit the space bar, hoping the Arena Master would let me enter the arena and fight. To my anticipation I was allowed to fight. I glanced at the top left corner which read "Opponents Remaining:0". I stared at the message and frowned, this was extremely unusual. I attempted to TAB out and restart the fight, unfortunately I was unable to for some strange reason. I then glanced at the screen and was horrified. A figure was stood upon a pile of mutilated corpses. Blood was splattered on the walls, and the blade that the figure was holding, was drenched in blood. I was paralyzed for a moment, and no matter how much effort I put into my arms, they just wouldn't move. I then inspected the corpses, and recognized the topless men....
They were Arena Combatants...
The weather suddenly became foggy, and I was blinded. I couldn't see anything but a shadowy figure. I was curious and decided to approach the figure. But as I took a step near the corpses, I was killed. As I watched my character fall to the ground, I was surprised. The figure vanished and the fog cleared. The corpses disappeared and everything was back to normal. I stared at the message on the lower left, "xXShinigamiXx was slain by". That was it. It didn't even inform me of who killed me; just a blank space.
I slammed my fists down on my desk and exited the town. I led my army of 300 towards the land of the Khergits. I glanced at the time again. Midnight. As my army approached the territory of the Khergits, my game froze for a second and took me to the post-battle conversation. I was bewildered due to the fact that there was nobody I was talking to, just the same message I saw with the Arena Message. But, as I proceeded onto the options, I saw a final message on the dialogue box. Two words that clenched my stomach, "LA MUERTE!". A battle was then engaged. The weather became foggy, and the skies darkened. In the distance, I saw the same shadowy figure from the arena. I was trembling with fear and ordered my 300 Swadian Knights to charge whilst I watched from the distance. My screen suddenly flashed red and my speakers were blurred out from the screams of my men. Except they weren't the usual manly screams, they were completely terrifying....
They sounded like real humans....
I muted the audio and my screen turned back to normal, but what I saw caused my hands to shake. All of my knights were brutally massacred....Their horses skinned and their manes ripped off. My knights were decapitated and dismembered. I began to panic and watched the actions of the shadowy figure. It just stood there....Not even moving a limb....I pulled out my crossbow and aimed at the figure's head. But as I zoomed in, it took me a couple of seconds to realize the figure wasn't even there.
I then heard a word emitting from my speakers even though they were muted.
''Written by IDontKnowWhoIAm''